
Re: [syndicate] random walk round trip

ok, thanks, i'm using 'random walk' 'round trip' in another context - than the
recent image generation, or computer/statistics - though the context lingers
from physics, it's the tendency of particles in random motion to achieve a net
displacement or to drift in a particular direction.
drift certainly of importance, bio-mechanicality maybe as solipsis mentioned,
going nowhere in particular still you're going somewhere, very much so. also
this post is written out of nothing, manually and attending only to the
linkage, drift/random walk, or round trip which would be a closure - a
computer term from the 'ping' utility, measuring 'random walk' of data packets
in the net - and sometimes it closes, the human walks, but mostly drifts.
the positions are references to the image generation walks, here the position
x,y would be a movement from character to character, two dimensions turned
into one moving dimension, just a suggestion for a text-image mapping.
the hex variant i got from lo_y who altered one of the random walk scripts
using a hex-decimal conversion for colors, i guess it's ok to link it,
interesting curves - http://lo-y.domainepublic.net/0/. i thought of using
color to map ascii (255) to an image or 3d, hex triplets, maybe base a picture
on text and recurrence which floated into the post.
basically it's manual drift and pseudo-meta-code, like for instance it's
indented - like code - but expresses drift/random walk, as an inversion/blur
of form/content, and the random 'content' is again coded/mapped onto a
cartesian form as an 'image'. maybe the last statements reflect that, the it-
it is a mapping, round trip is was, the worth is the pressure in the
container/closure of random motion. impromptu interpretation..

thanks for interest -

btw, literally, some images from today, variants ofthe same, on the verge of -

[file] http://noemata.net/nook/ustefj00.jpg 2005-04-22 656608
[file] http://noemata.net/nook/ustefj02.mov 2005-04-22 506746
[file] http://noemata.net/nook/ustefj08.jpg 2005-04-22 178953
[file] http://noemata.net/nook/ustefj99.jpg 2005-04-22 279273

21.04.2005 21:48:21, Alan Sondheim wrote:

>Hi, please say something about this? in hex? a walk through a text? -
>thanks, Alan


isbn 82-92428-41-0


Re: Al

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You sleep after heart urgency.
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nook isbn 82-92428-41-0


> dat

full blotting
hyperbol broderring jack med skjemme?
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confirm that he was on the right lines all along. it is a world where the
in the five years covered by this volume baudrillard has seen plenty to
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nook isbn 82-92428-41-0



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did not know, at that very instant all i had to say passed away out of my
asked your worship to tell me how many goats had crossed, and you answered you
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already worked up his enthusiasm,admired the brain of the imbecile as he would
him,instead of the brain of Laplace,that of an imbecile.Spurzheim,who had
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nook isbn 82-92428-41-0




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isbn 82-92428-41-0


the nook book

btw -

Filetype Name Date Size

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[file] 2005_02_01_nook.html 2005-04-01 11398
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[file] 2005_04_01_nook.html 2005-04-03 1008
[file] still5572.JPG 2005-04-06 62200
[file] still5575.JPG 2005-04-06 56908
[file] still5576.JPG 2005-04-06 53998


isbn 82-92428-41-0


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http://_@kunst.no/%62j%6fr%6em%61g/germinal/ksfdaoiu/19921217-1=anytherwomn.jpg 70k
http://_@kunst.no/%62j%6fr%6em%61g/germinal/ksfdaoiu/ks_199-60=nobltyof.jpg 11k
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http://_@kunst.no/%62j%6fr%6em%61g/germinal/ksfdaoiu/ks_19921028-2=b-ladx.jpg 67k


nook isbn 82-92428-41-0