from my window
from my window
i could watch this for hours
wondering what battle is taking place
what worlds are conquered
what monsters, what supermen
helt noe i �ret, i labyrinten, kanskje
det var en lyd, the proof is in the
pudding. kor e lab? a) myths era
cartoon for en blurB-narrativ. inni
der fins minotaurusfile, after all
this noisy running around in corridors
labyrinten vs corridoren : labyrinten
has en solution; korridoren has
running, a running-room, speed,
korridoren has transcendens like som
labyrinten; labyrinten is en
innitiatsjon til noe hygher,
korridoren is en entranse til lower. a
staircase goes in both directions.
mandalaformen i korridorene til sirene
speed. -men korridorene tilh�rer
nettverket, det underjordiske, kton,
rizom. korridorene lack en minotaurus,
hvo's the hero in the korridor? K.?
k for korridor
eye must da be en mandala, de four
elementer, attention that leader to de
geistliche ding, hole in the wall -
kaleidoskopiske panoptikonet - if
there are three mirrors turned in
three directions at the bottom of the
escalator. the mandala mirror en
arketype, mitgeborn, hardwired
escalator in the eye, inn i labyrinten
of the ear, like et fourtrack
ekspresskorridor to your skull your
br�gen brain is din minotaur, you see
red, alle other see bl�c
img src korridor - of corridoio
'running place,' from correre 'to
run,' from Latin currere. The Man
might be sitting in the shade of the
corridor, looking through the open
82k / 6s loop / 2x size
btw, the illusion of the shadowlands
as seen from the btw corridor between
isbn 82-92428-41-0